Does your brand need a logo?
The correct logo design reflects the authentic personality of the brand, conveys everything that it is and what it aspires to.
That is why it is very important to do a professional job in its creation.

Although it seems obvious, the logo design must be unique and never imitate another brand. It is very important that it is clear in any size, that it stands out from the others and is easily remembered. An isologotype does not have an expiration date, it must always communicate freshness and remain relevant over time.
What do we do?
Logo design + Brand Board + Brand Manual + INPI Registration
Tu empresa está por ingresar al mundo.
Sorprendé a todos con un logo atractivo y superador que te haga pisar fuerte para distinguirte de los demás.
Nuestros diseños cumplen con los 5 principios fundamentales de un logotipo:

Logo, isotype or isologotype ...
Logo means word, that is, we speak of a logo when we refer to word formations. Therefore, logos are not all those identifying symbols or icons next to the text, only those that are limited to mere typography.
We speak of isotype when we recognize the brand without the need to accompany it with any text. Etymologically, “iso” means “equal”, that is, an attempt is made to match an icon to some aspect of reality.
The Isologotype or Isologo is the iconic-textual set in which symbol and text are associated. An image and a text are presented that are united in the same symbol or graphic identifier.
How do we do it?
We take care of conceptualizing and designing the graphic identifier that will distinguish your company, product and / or service.
We designate the team that will work on your logo design, we will request the material to give an agenda and begin with the development.
We analyze the needs of your company, your competitors, your tastes and previous experiences in the field of communication.
Our team will send you proposals for your logo design, which will be polished and modified based on your feedback.
We send you your logo design in image and vector format and we develop the Corporate Brand Board.

Brand Manual
It is the document that brings together the main graphic elements of your brand and explains how they should be applied visually, both online and offline. Show what your logo looks like, what your corporate colors are, what fonts should be used, etc. This creates consistency for the brand and facilitates future work. Imagine that you had to start collecting material or remembering what exactly the values of your corporate color are every time you have to design something!

Brand Board
It is a concise guide to the visual style of your brand, so that in a single glance you can access the main branding elements such as the color palette, fonts, variants, icon style and photographic inspiration. This creates continuity for the brand and facilitates its future graphic application.
Trademark registration in INPI
A registered trademark guarantees the identity of your business in the market.
Why register your brand in INPI?
If you do not have your trademark, you run the risk that someone may pretend that you stop using it, considering that they have a better right and thus take possession of it. Not only would you lose the right to use the trademark but you would also be exposed to crimes of usurpation and claims for damages. This Trademark Registration service in INPI is exclusive for Argentina.
We have registered professionals (Agents of the I.N.P.I.), specialists in trademark registration. Our experience allows us to advise in the correct way to minimize the risks of the procedure. By registering, you obtain the legal means to prevent someone from wanting to appropriate your prestige.
- Background search
- Start of the procedure
- Brand Publication
- Administrative route of the file
- Concession
Some of our work
The best way to show you how we help our clients achieve their goals is for you to see how we help their brands!

Royal Cort
Roller blind factoryWe want to highlight the deal we maintain with Mejor Digital, from the beginning always contributing new ideas and solving our needs with total professionalism, both in design and in strategies so that our brand continues to grow!