In this note we will tell you all about the objective and the importance of developing a Media Kit to optimize your presentation and increase the sales of your company.

The Media Kit is a key tool that will help you capture the attention of your prospects, sponsors, advertisers, someone who wants to write about your company, or other brands with which you want to carry out shared actions. If you still do not have a Media Kit, in this note, Better Digital Agency helps you put it together. And if you already have your Media Kit, you can confirm if it is complete and updated or if you should modify something. Let us begin!

media kit

Is Media Kit and Press Kit the same?

We speak of the same thing if we say Media Kit or Press Kit. It is a complete cover letter of your company and its mission is to make known who you are, what you offer, your value proposition, your most relevant statistical numbers, business and growth potential, press releases, logo specifications and multimedia files . In short, it gathers in a single document all the information that leads, clients, partners, journalists and publications could need, to have a quick and comprehensive idea about your business and know what others think of your brand, product and / or service.

It is usually designed under a presentation format or PDF document that includes the most important information about the company, its mission and its latest important achievements.

Having a Media Kit will make it easier for you to get closer to partners, clients, advertisers, graphic and digital media, among others.

press kit

Why should your company have a Media Kit and what are its advantages?

The main benefit of having a Media Kit for your company is that you will be able to improve your appearance in communication media, both digital (blogs, social networks, online events) and traditional (newspaper, magazine, TV, face-to-face events).

With a Media Kit for your company or pyme you will achieve:
  • Generate better opportunities: it is a clear, concrete and striking way to show yourself. With the summary of the most important topics to arouse the curiosity of whoever is watching it. With your Press Kit you will increase the chances that a journalist or blogger will write about your company.
  • Increase your reputation: including links in your Media Kit is an excellent way to gain credibility by showing your audience the various sources that have already mentioned your brand previously. In turn, it makes your media outreach campaign look professional, gaining the trust of your target audience, which ultimately leads to more leads and more sales.
  • Improve the perceived quality of your brand: having your Media Kit will give you more control over the quality of the content that is published in relation to your company. We recommend that you take the time to select and provide yourself your own excellent resolution photos and logos, to ensure that everyone who includes them in their work has the best materials about your company. If you also add your Brand Manual with clear instructions, you will be sure that the name of your company will be well written, that the colors will be correct and that the fonts are appropriate.
  • Save a lot of time: last minute presentations do not work, they always end up missing data that was important, or even each topic is not given the relevance that it would need. Having your Media Kit you will have everything you need to present to your company resolved in a single document, without wasting time or sales potential. It will also save time and work for others who want to know your brand, they will no longer have to search for that information on the internet, you provide it neat and correctly ordered.
  • Easy accessibility to information: by including the Press Kit with a link on your Website, you will facilitate the communication of, for example, a journalist to communicate and obtain the information you want. It is also a reference on how other media wrote or talked about your company or SME before.
  • Attention: As the Media Kit is a visual document, it will attract much more attention than if you were to present yourself with an e-mail or a phone call. In addition, you will be able to include information and files for design (such as your logo for example) that would otherwise be lost.
  • Guarantee a winning message: the communication of your company and the ideas that are transmitted must be carried out correctly, including expressions and terms that are typical and representative of your brand.

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How to design and organize a Media Kit for companies and pymes?

You never know who may be looking for your products or information about your company, so we must organize the information before moving on to design. At Agencia Mejor Digital we never design two equal Media Kits, because each brand must report on the specific aspects of its own business and identity. But yes, everyone should have the same basic information covering these 5 fundamental questions: Who, What, When, Where and Why, explaining the history of the company, its present and its future, its main projects and its latest achievements.

10 points that cannot be missing in your Press Kit:
  1. Name and description of the company or pyme
    It will help to quickly tell who you are, what you do and what need you are going to solve. You can even include a brief presentation of your brand in video format, to make it more attractive and interactive. Take advantage of telling the story of your brand by informing who the founders were, what was the problem they were trying to tackle, how your company started and evolved over time.
  2. Purpose, values ​​and target audience
    Let your mission, vision and philosophy stand out. Short sentences always work best. You can also describe your target audience by telling who your main audience is, what they want, where they are from and why they choose you.
  3. Information about your products or services
    In this space, the most important thing is to give specific details about what you offer and the benefits of each one. This is also a good point to talk about your team and what key roles each of them play. You can further expand by counting what characteristics make your company unique and include details such as: what makes your product and / or service different, why your company is better than another competitor in the market and what are your competitive advantages.
  4. Statistics and business impact
    Make sure to include statistical data that is easy to understand, it is the opportunity to show your growth and how your brand is generating real changes within the industry. Some ideas that you can implement is to detail where your company is located, whether or not it has physical premises or offices, how many employees it has, how many clients were served, how many sales were made in recent years, if you have notable clients, if they mentioned you in the media, number of followers on Social Networks, etc. We recommend you make an infographic in which your statistics appear, to keep the readers’ attention, since otherwise these data can be boring and not very understandable.
  5. A case of success
    That it exemplifies what you have said in points 1, 2 and 3 and that it serves as a reference model to present even better who you are, what you do for the people and brands that trust you and where your company or SME wants to go.
  6. Highlights
    Present the milestones, awards, certifications and achievements that your company has recently achieved, and that you consider truly unique.
  7. Press releases and media mentions
    Include at this point any announcements, press releases, articles, publications, news, etc. that they have presented to your company or to any of your team. This helps build credibility and reputation. Do not forget to add the link of each one.
  8. Valuable testimonials
    From people who really know your brand or who are important references in the industry, and who obviously speak well of the experience with your product and / or service.
  9. Include visual elements representative of your brand
    If someone wants to write about your company, they would need files such as your logo, screenshots of your website, your own images and photos, institutional and product videos, links to your social networks, etc. Make sure you put all those important visuals and links in your Media Kit and that the images, logos and videos are always of high quality. We also suggest that you provide different high resolution variables in different formats (eg .png and .jpg). If you have defined brand guidelines on how and where to use images or files or accepted variants of the logo, don’t forget to specify it.
  10. Contact information
    It is possible that someone wants to contact you and ask you for additional information about your company or ask you something specific extra to what you already included in your Press Kit. What information must be included? Your Marketing Manager or press contact with their corresponding email address, phone number and location. They must be always up-to-date data and active means of contact with your brand. Check that everything works correctly (that the e-mail does not bounce, WhatsApp with a default query phrase, links to social networks in which you upload content frequently, fast-loading and responsive website, etc.).

consejos media kit

Graphic Design Tips to Make Your Media Kit Stand Out

Design is a more than important part of the development of a Press Kit. In general, we must take into account the following items when designing a Media Kit:

    Have friendly colors that invite you to go to the end, be dynamic and compatible with the identity of the company to which the Media Kit belongs. Always choose texts in dark colors on light backgrounds for paragraphs of text.
    The correct use of photos and icons of the brand will help readers to have an institutional visual idea and make them connect more with aesthetics and values.
    A clean and clear layout reduces clutter and helps the reader focus on relevant information, without feeling overwhelmed.
    Look for fonts that are simple to read for paragraphs and bodies of text, and more “fresh” and eye-catching for main headings or specific details. And do a print and read test online on different devices to ensure that all texts are read correctly.

Always remember to adapt the aesthetics of this Media Kit to the visual identity of your company. If you have a Brand Manual, Brand Board or Mood Board, you have to comply 100% with what is specified there, since the Press Kit is one more element of Institutional Branding.

diseño grafico

Do you need help to develop your Media Kit?

We already saw then that the creation of a Press Kit consists of providing the reader with convincing and real information about the company, with a pinch of promotion (because we must never stop selling). Now that we’ve given you all the advice and information you need to create and design your Media Kit, it’s time to get to work.

If you have questions about how to organize the information and establish a professional design for your Media Kit, do not hesitate to contact us. At Agencia Mejor Digital we have a team of professionals in Design, Communication, Digital Marketing and Advertising. Leave your company’s Press Kit in our hands.

Get in touch with our team today and let’s start working together!

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